i started reading this book called, "women," by charles bukowski.
now, i first thought, YES, amazing deal. i'm in strand bookstore at what? 13th and 4th ave, i think? no, wait, broadway. and this bookstore is one of my favorite places to go hide out in the city. and i found this novel by bukowski! 291 pages for 8 dollars. that's 0.02 cents per page i think. and for as long as i can remember i have loved the intricacies of the way different authors write but i've always loved a good deal. but it's weird, with reading, i mean. i truly do get lost in it, but even! even for as much as i get lost in it, i still have such a hard time finishing a book before i start a new one. i tend to make a [roughly] 50 page dent in it and then wham bam! new book! new author! new everything. maybe that says something about me? or maybe everyone is like that.
(sidenote: atlas by battles just came on my ipod and all i can think about right now is how good of a mood it just put me in and how it makes this vanilla chai tea taste even better, or something.)
(or maybe it just made me remember their live performance and how incredibly captivating it has been every single time.)
(distraction, much?)
BUT THIS BOOK! ------>
is amazing. bottom line, amazing. outside of having so many little thoughts running through my head to keep me busy, i also constantly watch people while i'm on the train, and i'm telling you...even when i step off the train...i haven't taken my eyes off the pages of this book.
maybe it's how incredibly brash and blunt he is. maybe it's the fragmented sentences that help me relate because that's how a lot of my thoughts are. fragmented. or something. heck, i think it's even the constant dirty talk that makes my eyes become wide with me thinking, "shit, he really did just write that."
women. lovely book. i think i may have read every bukowski book. i think.
you are nice.
lets girl talk/book talk sometime. then tickle torture ellen, cause she is so small and cute and i bet she has a good desperate giggle.
oh goodness. i bet she does! and isn't she really one of the most adorable girls? really, now.
and yes! book talk/girl talk soon!
i would truly enjoy that.
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